Hastie, Donald R.2015-08-282015-08-282014-10-162015-08-28http://hdl.handle.net/10315/29930The intent of this study was to use a positive-ion atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer ((+) APCI-MS/MS) to detect organic peroxide products formed during β-pinene ozonolysis experiments. Detection was based on utilizing the neutral-loss scan (NLS) analysis mode of the APCI-MS/MS to observe ion signals exhibiting unique mass losses of 34 u. This mass loss was considered exclusive to protonated organic peroxides containing a hydroperoxy moiety. Given this observation, the NLS analysis mode was used to selectively detect organic peroxides formed during β-pinene ozonolysis experiments. Overall, six organic peroxide structures were proposed. Further product-ion scan analysis on the six proposed structures revealed additional unique mass losses of 32 u and 62 u that could be use in combination with 34 u NLS analysis to selectively detect organic peroxides. The results from this study can assist in ascertaining organic peroxide contribution to secondary organic aerosol for future ozonolysis experiments.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Atmospheric chemistryAnalytical chemistryChemistryEvaluating the Utility of an Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer for Detecting Organic Peroxides During Beta-Pinene Ozonolysis ExperimentsElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2015-08-28AtmosphereChemistryMass spectrometryAtmospheric scienceOrganic peroxidesHydroperoxidesPeroxy acidsAtmospheric pressure chemical ionizationChemical ionizationNeutral loss