Stiegman, MarthaCampos, Tamotsu2022-11-142022-11-142022-08-31Major Portfolio, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University major portfolio explores the growing field of impact producing in so-called Canada. This research seeks to explore the questions of how impact producing can contribute to meaningful social change, what are the main skills needed to become an impact producer and how do we train people to become impact producers? This portfolio has two components; 1) an overview of the development and implementation of a 15 week program to mentor new impact producers and 2) experiential learnings and reflections on the impact campaigns for three documentaries; No Visible Trauma, Kímmapiiyipitssini: The Meaning of Empathy and The Klabona Keepers. Much of this research involves an active partnership with Story Money Impact, a small charity that focuses on building up an impact producing sector in so-called Canada.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Action Research in the Impact Field of Documentary FilmsMajor portfolio