Lau, Yam K.Delisle, Philip George2023-12-082023-12-082023-12-08 book proposes an experiment: to unfold image and text together. Working in reverse, it begins with the painting processes of Francis Bacon (as analyzed by Gilles Deleuze), the metaphysics of philosopher Henri Bergson and the psychology of Carl Jung. The book attempts to build an in-between; to start with givens and fill in the space that blends them together into a smooth transition (intensity). Bringing ideas from philosophy, psychology and art together, and utilizing strategies that have practical application in creative arts as part of its methodology, the paper reframes creative (or analogical) thought process as being a key component in intelligence. We suggest new avenues that need to be further explored in order to bring image-sensation into more meaningful contact with the discursive systems of knowledge.Author owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Fine artsArt educationPhilosophyArt Through Sensation: Unfolding Image and Text Together, Through Bacon, Bergson and JungElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2023-12-08Visual arts researchCreativityArts educationPaintingAbstractionCultural analysisPedagogyVisual artsCreative practicePhilosophy of art