Tully-Barr, Ian2011-08-262011-08-261989-12-07http://hdl.handle.net/10315/98521. Program [Attached][8 copies] 2. Cover Art [3 copies] 3. Two Posters [1 Attached] 4. News Release [2 copies] 5. Script of Class Announcement 6. Light Cue Sheets 7. Lighting Plot 8. Cast Distribution [2 copies] 9. Cast Breakdown [2 copies] 10. Rehearsal and Production Schedule 11. Box Office Receipts 12. Script 13. Prompt Book 14. Lars. (Nov 27, 1989). Comic Stripe: Incredible Tales of Pub Night! Pro Tem. 15. Author Unknown. (Date Unknown). Bulletin: Personals. Source Unknown. 16. Johnson, Phil. (Nov 30, 1989). Kids, adults can enjoy fairy tales. The Toronto Star. 17. Pictures [Samples attached]Archival file for the Glendon College production of Fairy Tales for a New Age, directed by Ian Tully-barr. The play was performed December 7 to 9, 1989.enFair Tales for a New Age (1989)Other