Persaud, AjayKorosi, Jennifer2020-08-252020-08-252020-09 data to accompany Persaud (2020), MSc thesis, which explores the ecological impacts of legacy arsenic contamination on Cladocera (Branchiopoda, Crustacea) from historic gold mining in Yellowknife lakes (Northwest Territories, Canada) using a paleo-ecotoxicological approach. Cladocera subfossils preserved in the modern and pre-1850 lake sediments of 23 lakes in the region were examined, as well as the Daphnia resting egg bank of Pocket Lake, a highly contaminated lake in which striking ecological changes were previously recorded.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 CanadaCladoceraPaleolimnologyYellowknife (Northwest Territories, Canada)DATA: PALEO-ECOTOXICOLOGY OF YELLOWKNIFE (NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, CANADA) LAKES IMPACTED BY HISTORIC GOLD MINING ACTIVITIESDataset