Vorstermans, Jessica2022-02-172022-02-172022-10-25Vorstermans, J. (2021). Tell me about Food Justice with Cheyenne Sundance. HLST 1011: Health on the Front Lines, School of Health Policy & Management, York University. Youtube. https://youtu.be/abwx82fEWH4http://hdl.handle.net/10315/38996Tell me about food justice with Cheyenne Sundance. Video filmed for HLST 1011: Health on the Front Lines, School of Health Policy & Management, York University. Producer: Jessica Vorstermans. Filming: Regenesis.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalHealth on the front lines, social determinants of health, food justice, urban farmTell me about Food Justice with Cheyenne Sundance. HLST 1011: Health on the Front Lines, School of Health Policy & Management, York University.Video