Cameron, Evan Wm.2019-04-232019-04-231967 inductions can only be drawn from unbiased samples. A predicate like Nelson Goodman's 'Grue', therefore, cannot be used within inductions, for the temporal nature of its definition ensures that any sampling of objects that we could encounter would be biased with respect to it. The supposed 'grue paradox' is therefore neither paradoxical nor relevant to how we make viable inductions.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaBias (Mathematical)Goodman, NelsonGulliver's TravelsHullett, JayInductionLogicPhilosophyPopper, KarlQuine, Willard van OrmanRandomnessSchwartz, RobertCameron, EvanRandomness and Mr. Goodman's ParadoxPresentation