Montoya-Greenheck, FelipePardo, Fabricio2015-09-152015-09-152014Major Paper, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University on their practical experience and traditional knowledge, artisanal fishers have theability to identify the changes in the distribution of marine species, which seem to be related to climate factors and fishing pressure. Migratory and non-­‐migratory marine fish species occur in the Colombian Caribbean and they are dependent on the regional climatic conditions, which makes them move up or down in the water column. However, according to local fishers, factors such as fishing stressors (both commercial fisheries and artisanal fisheries) also make these species move or vanish in certain areas.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.Effects of Climate Change and Fisheries on the Distribution of Marine Fish in the Caribbean Colombian Sea Based on Traditional Artisanal Fishing KNowledgeMajor Paper