Perry, Elizabeth2022-03-172022-03-172022 bibliography was created with Zotero software, and consists of over 4000 references to books, journal articles, working papers and reports – with an emphasis on Canadian authors and experience. It is organized by topics, such as Just Transition, Environmental Racism, and Labour union documents. It is also searchable by key words, author, title, and allows users to select items of interest and construct their own bibliographies. The database may still be available at, but has not been maintained or updated since December 2021. Bibliographies derived from the whole database are: Just Transition; Climate initiatives by Canadian labour unions; Environmental Racism. The CSV export from Zotero can be used by those with the Zotero application installed on their computers. To download the free Zotero application, go to Download this CSV file to your hard drive, open the Zotero application, and use the “Import” function in Zotero to view the contents. An alternative for those with Zotero on their computers: use the compressed folder and move it directly into the Zotero user directory. It consists of an SQL file and a "storage" folder of library items.enClimate changeClimate Change, Work and Workers: A BibliographyDataset