Orlandini, RosaCooper, AlexandraManuel, Kevin2024-01-132024-01-132021-09-01https://hdl.handle.net/10315/41809This guide, contains historical census variables related to finding ethnic origins, race, culture, or where a respondent is born, are listed. Also included are links to variable column definitions, individual census records (for historical censuses), publications with tables, and data files. Additional censuses include the 1870 Census of Manitoba, 1906 Census of the Northwest Provinces, and the Census of the Prairie Provinces for 1916, 1926, 1936, and 1946. This guide was created as part of the Data on Racialized and Indigenous Populations in Canada website hosted by Scholars Portal. This is located at: https://learn.scholarsportal.info/featured/data-on-racialized-populations/enAttribution 4.0 InternationalCensusRacialized populationsIndigenous peoplesGuide on Ethnic, Racial, and Indigenous variables in the Census of Canada: 1870 to 2021Working Paper