Winfield, Mark S.Koveshnikova, Tatiana2015-05-212015-05-212009Winfield, M. S., & Koveshnikova, T. (2009). Applying the Total Resource Cost test to conservation and demand management initiatives of local electricity distribution companies in Ontario: Assessment and recommendations for reform. Toronto: York University. Distribution Companies can to play a greater role in the design and delivery of conservation demand management programs (CDMs), but need a framework of more stable and comprehensive policies and institutional arrangements to do so. Failure to optimize Ontario’s CDM policy framework means that more power plants will be built than are really needed, resulting in higher environmental impacts and higher costs to electricity consumers.Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 CanadaClimate ChangePoliticsGovernments Must Do More to Involve Local Electricity Distribution Companies in Promoting ConservationResearch Summary