Menezes, Henita JoshnaDSouza, SoniaPadmakumar, RamachandranBabu, Abraham SamuelRao, Rohini R.Kamath, VeenaKamath, AshaGrace, Sherry2024-02-162024-02-162022-11-12Menezes, H. J., D' Souza, S. R. B., Padmakumar, R., Babu, A. S., Rao, R. R., Kamath, V. G., Kamath, A., & Grace, S. L. (2023). Technology-based Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Therapy (TaCT) for women with cardiovascular disease in a middle-income setting: A randomized controlled trial protocol. Research in Nursing & Health, 46(1), 13–25. is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Menezes, H. J., D' Souza, S. R. B., Padmakumar, R., Babu, A. S., Rao, R. R., Kamath, V. G., Kamath, A., & Grace, S. L. (2023). Technology-based Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Therapy (TaCT) for women with cardiovascular disease in a middle-income setting: A randomized controlled trial protocol. Research in Nursing & Health, 46(1), 13–25., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions. This article may not be enhanced, enriched or otherwise transformed into a derivative work, without express permission from Wiley or by statutory rights under applicable legislation. Copyright notices must not be removed, obscured or modified. The article must be linked to Wiley’s version of record on Wiley Online Library and any embedding, framing or otherwise making available the article or pages thereof by third parties from platforms, services and websites other than Wiley Online Library must be prohibited.Women are underrepresented in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) despite the benefits, and this is exacerbated in lower‐resource settings where CR is insufficiently available. In this randomized controlled trial, the effectiveness of the Technology‐based Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Therapy (TaCT) electronic cardiac rehabilitation (eCR) intervention on functional capacity, risk factors, quality of life, heart‐health behaviors, symptoms, and morbidity will be tested among women with CVD in a middle‐income country. Following a pilot study, a single‐center, single‐blinded, 2 parallel‐arm (1:1 SNOSE) superiority trial comparing an eCR intervention (TaCT) to usual care, with assessments pre‐intervention and at 3 and 6 months will be undertaken. One hundred adult women will be recruited. Permuted block (size 10) randomization will be applied. The 6‐month intervention comprises an app, website, SMS texts with generic heart‐health management advice, and bi‐weekly 1:1 telephone calls with a nurse trainee. Individualized exercise prescriptions will be developed based on an Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (primary outcome) and dietary plans based on 24 h dietary recall. A yoga/relaxation video will be provided via WhatsApp, along with tobacco cessation support and a moderated group chat. At 3 months, intervention engagement and acceptability will be assessed. Analyses will be conducted based on intent‐to‐treat. If results of this novel trial of women‐focused eCR in a middle‐income country demonstrate clinically‐significant increases in functional capacity, this could represent an important development for the field considering this would be an important outcome for women and would translate to lower mortality.enCardiovascular diseasesFunctional capacityMiddle‐income countryTechnologyWomenTechnology‐based Comprehensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Therapy (TaCT) for women with cardiovascular disease in a middle‐income setting: A randomized controlled trial protocolArticle