Kheraj, Sean2022-03-072022-03-072014-07-03Kheraj, Sean. “Episode 43: Environmental Scholarship and Environmental Advocacy” Nature’s Past: Canadian Environmental History Podcast. 2 July 2014. history has been both friend and foe to environmentalism. Historians can provide important context for understanding contemporary environmental issues, but they can also offer a critique of environmentalism that could undermine the political and social goals of activists. This is the subject of a recent review essay I wrote for Acadiensis. In that essay I ask, are all environmental historians environmentalists? How should environmental scholarship relate to environmental activism? Should advocacy for environmental issues shape historical scholarship on the environment? Can history always inform contemporary environmental issues? On this episode of the podcast, we explore these questions with a group of scholars from the Toronto Environmental History Network. acadiensis spring 2014 Please be sure to take a moment to review this podcast on our iTunes page and to fill out a short listener survey here.enAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalNature's pastenvironmental historyNature's Past Episode 043: Environmental Scholarship and Environmental AdvocacyRecording, oral